Tuesday, November 15, 2011
More Eye candy on Thursday.. "Lighting" In the mean time I need to figure out how to add more pictures at one time and be able to credit the sites under the pictures ,, Enjoy!!!
Iam sorry Iam thinking its from Pinterest

I would love to have a few of these scattered around the house. All in Fall colors blended together,, First have to learn to crochet.lol

I know this isnt dollies but it goes so well with them and here she shows you how to .. Beautifull job.
Iam back!! Todays word is Dollies.

I havent been posting ,,Iam so addicted to reading other blogs I just love them ,, I have lots of eye candy to share ,, I'll try several times a week.. First Iam not the artist of these photos,, Iam trying to find the sites where I saw them . I saw them awhile back and decided to add to my Favorites as insperation. So I hope you enjoy them as much as I have,, I pray I get the proper credit to the ones they belong to. ENJOY !!!!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Gardening 101 in Florida.
First dont try and weed in summer. The heat will get you first. Second dont plant anything new during rainy season you will loose it if it floods on your property. My Moms neighbor gave me a bunch of bulbs. pretty pink flowers (rain flowers) . They have taken over his yard I plain to get more and put them in some of the flower bed in the back. He also gave me a Poinsetta . I looked it up seems its wild here. Lived here most my life and have never seen it before. I think it would be pretty mixed in with all the Zinnas .Everytime Wyatt(grandson) come over he has to show me how big he is and has to climb the mullberry tree, Lol I have so many Zinna seeds from this year I think I had 6 gallon bags of seeds. Gave some away. Heres some of whats bloomin here.We lost so much last year . I still have to replace the 6 palms leading out to the pad out back. Iam thinking something that blooms. I have baby palms comming up all over the front, from the seeds .I got bite by something yesterday , I was checking on the blackberries. I hope it wasnt a brown racluse spidder . My 3rd finger on the right its still red and inflamed, it has 2 marks and fills with clear fluid, I didnt see anything ,,I'll know if my finger starts to loose its skin. He thought maybe it was one of those catapillers ,On the palms . But I didnt think it was time for them yet. oh well life goes on.
crafts .
Please excuse my posting I just dont know how to get the hang of this . I thought I had all the pictures in order, Iam just to old to get it I guess.
Shame on me.
Hello. Shame on me for not keeping up with this blog. Its been raining everyday here, My legs and hands are killing me. Ive been making crafts trying to push the pain away but not working. The back of the yard is flooded. I told my husband that we had crawdads in the ditch in front , He laughed and said "Thoses arent crawdads thoses are lobsters after our Goverment has taxed them ",, HAHAHA. I still cant figure out where do they come from?? The rain? are they in the dirt? But I 'd love to know .Poor Kodie he was messing with one last year and I heard a yelp and by the time I got to him to see what was the matter. He flew by me with one hanging from his face. I dont think he will messing with them this year.LOL
I hate not having anyone to have a glass of tea with or a conversation with. By the time my husband comes home its eat ,shower,go to bed and start all over the next day. And when the weekend rolls around. Its work work work . Here or at moms.I cant wait till Fall my favorite time of the year.Theres a elderly man that sits up the street selling honey , I guess I need to make more recipes with honey. This mans honey is awsome. Not sure if its Orange Blossom or Palmetto . Ive been drizzling over rolls and biscuits. I tried my hand at making bread.Billie has never said anything but good about my cooking. But my bread was bad. He would never say anything. But he did say "Dont give any to the dogs".It didnt rise I did everything I was suppose to but I dont know if the weather has anything to do with it or not..Try try try again.LOL Heres some of the crafts Iam making.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Food safe containers .
this is a picture that says its food safe containers, for storage, Heres the white buckets thats at lowes..
Laundry Help.
Heres a great idea. We are on a well water . and I go through alot of bleach, so Ive been adding Zote to my laundry detergent. I run it down a grater ,them mix with my detergent and It saves me on bleach and fabric softener.. It has brighten my whites and if I forget to add softener , Its fine cause this soap adds a soften feel . I also using buckets from Lowe's for storing my sugar and flour , Iam going to get more for pastas and etc. The emblem has to be like this on the lid and bucket to be food safe , I drew it out , cause the camera was just taking it all white you could not see it. Ive been reading alot of blogs and some are alittle scarey , some are storing their food in garbage cans . Not safe cause the plastic in the cans have also pesticides made right in it. Look for the food safe label on buckets .I posted a picture of what it should look like. I would love to hear if anyone else has any neat ideas..
A little ,This and That.
Ive been stocking up and taking it seriously. Trying to stretch the life of some of my foods etc. Like taking things out of the boxs and putting in air tight containers.I found in a catalog I can buy the old time freezer containers cheep , really cheep. I loved them for freezing, comes in a variety of sizes too. I made some mulberry syrup the other day for the kids to go on waffles , It was soooo good.Next year Iam making syrup and juice from the mulberrys.I made some juice last week from this years harvest, very refreshing.plus all the good things Mulberrys do for our bodies. The kids are leaving next week and my heart is breaking already.Germany is on the other side of the world to me.to far to just hop in the car and go visit.Today they are in Bush Gardens, I hope they are having a good time. Ive been working on the back Lani , and I dont think its possible to turn it into a country setting. Althou I keep trying . Maybe if I had my own pot of gold It would be easier.For now I have to relay on make do's.Ive been asked to post the picture of the clothes pin bag for the pantry , (dollar store for 1.00 each)One for straws and the other for plastic silverware(Billies lunches).Ive been trying to organize around here , I put all my canning pot and jars etc, in the garage on a shelf. Today Iam going to see about transferring a closet to shelves for stocking up on stuff. Iam also drying my zinna seeds so I dont have to buy next year. I'll post pictures . Anyone have any neat ideas I would love to hear them .
Thursday, June 16, 2011
My Favorite past time.
I've been teaching myself to can. I Love It .. I Love It... I dont think there is anything more prettier than a mason jar full of fresh fruit or vegetables.I do know that is is throu trial and error to find the best recipes. Ive been freezing also and as soon as I can afford to buy a dehiderater I"ll be drying everything I can get my hands on. LOL.One of the first things I canned was navel oranges packed in natural orange juice . (Not from concendrate). I put it in the refergerator the night before and had fresh oranges for breakfeast ,,, so refreshing and good. I cant imagine living up north in the winter and not being able not to get it fresh. This is awsome way to have it all year round.. I follow all the Ball books ,so as to get it right. No chance of getting sick .
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Thank You.
I just want to say Thank you to my followers. It really "Feeds My Soul" and Warms my Heart to think that Iam writting something that you think is worth reading. And if you have a blog I would love to read and follow yours, Please let me know what yours is.. I love connecting with all of you. Makes me feel like I have neighbors and friends close by..The only visitors I get are these guys.and I enjoy it .
Simple comforts.
Hello. Been awhile since I've posted . We have had a time here one thing after another . Had to replace the water heater, and now the central air wont work ,so Iam sitting here in 93 degrees . All thou I think it might be cooler outside. I pray its under warranty. We just had everything replaced in 06 .My favorite time of the year is Fall.Summers here are so hot you cant stand it outside . I pray no snakes make their selves welcome tonight. We have the back of the house sliders all open. Theres a Lani on the back but... them nasty things seem to get in anyways. I love nature "BUT" I draw the line here. Iam deathly afraid of snakes.My husband says"They were here before we were and they have a right to be here". Then I say "Look they dont pay the taxes here so they are gone ,and Iam not waiting for dead or alive posters to be put up .. Give me a shovel and I"ll take care of them.Iam on cumidine so Iam dead if one decides he dont like the looks Iam givin him. And bites me.I need some inspiration for the flower beds, Heres whats bloomin here.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
A Mothers"s Heart,
I was thinking of the up comming "Mothers Day". I was thinking of how different we all are. But I'd like to believe that a Mothers Heart are all alike.My Daughters Birthday is tommorrow she be 33 years old . My youngest daughter is 31. And Then theres the "Baby"my son is 29 . I said the baby cause that's what the girls refer to him as"THE BABY" LOL.I never wanted a son holding on to my apron strings ,once he has grown up......But... He does . No matter how hard I shake that apron. LOL I dont know if he feels that Iam the only one that carse about him,and can make things better, or what it is. Everytime he gets hurt and believe me there have been many many many times. He calls me . Does he really think I can make it all better..LOL . He lives on the other side of town. Now he's married and it's her time.Anyway a Mother feels it in her stomach ,Evertime one of her children gets hurt. And when they cried.. we felt it in our Hearts.
Even after all these years I feel it in my stomach and hurt when one is hurting. That has carried on to my Grandchildren. I dont know how many times Ive choked on my tongue when one of the babies got hurt.I believe a mothers heart is conected to our children all of them Grandchildren too. Ive even caught myself feeling it in my stomach when one of my son-in-laws have been hurt.And Heaven forbid if I shoud try and doctor one of their BOBoS.LOL
I know it just doesnt stop there. Ive been out in public and seen a child hurt and wanted to run and protect them ,I dont think a Mothers Heart stop even there, Ive seen elderly people and wanted to hug them and take them home and take care of them LOL . We wont even go to the animals. I have a house full now .
That need we have to Comfort, Nurish, Love, Hold on Too,I HOPE I NEVER LOOSE IT.
Now that my children are grown and have children of their own I can only pray they never loose it either.
Theres a saying I think says it all...
Well I found a new craft and I LOVE IT..Canning. Ive been reading all I can On the subject. I've learned alot. I've tried alot of recipes .Now I find myself wanting to can all the time.Ive cleaned out the linen closet to make it a food pantry even thou I already have one. I 'd like all my canning together,all in one spot.Heres some pictures of what Ive done. With the exception of what Ive already given away.Mulberry's !!!I have a tree so Ive canned and canned Mulberry's . Now its finished until next season. I need to look for canning recipes that have Mulberry's in it. Instead of only mulberry's, LOL Ive made Mulberry Jam , Mulberry Syrup, Mulberry Preserves,Mulberry Pie Filling I even did a Balsamic Mulberry Jam (Awesome taste) and have even put some up in the freezer.Cant wait to go to the Farmers Market and see what they have in. I am also wanting to get a dehydrator to do some fruits and jerky.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Iam sorry ,

Iam sorry , I havent posted lately, Ive been in the hospital, I had a mild heartattack. Iam slow at getting back to myself. Ive never felt so helpless. I think I lost all my energy . I had a heart catheder done, and nitro is no fun . Major headache from it. And now for more test. Iam so brused. Well time heals all wounds , wish mine would hurry. I have so much I want to make. I have a neat craft to share with all of you. But for now Ill have to wait till I get some more energy back. Hugs to all . jamie
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
A touch of Sparkle to Electric Candles.
I do this to all my Candles . I love the sparkle in the light.All you do is tape the candle hole, with "Painters Tape" or "Masking Tape", just so none of the glitter falls in the hole.Then you "MODE PODGE"the candle all over it where ever you want the glitter. I love "Martha Stewart" extra fine for embossing and her scraping books.
Her glitter comes in so many colors. Excelent Fall colors.ACMoore usually puts them on sale after the Holidays and you can use "JOANNS" coupons. That makes it a little lighter on the pocket book.PLUS... PLUS ...A little goes a long long way. I put a sheet of wax paper down under my candles , so when Iam done I can pour the dropping back in the tube or jar.NO WASTE.I also use "DIAMOND SPARKLE " For Christmas time . It looks like snow . Its just beautifull with the candle light. Check out the pictures. You might have to do 2 coats, depending on how much comes off. You can also add a little to the silicone bulb for a added sparkle.No glue thou , Just rub a little on with your finger. Add a homespun tie and your fininished .
The brown candle in the top picture with the red and pink ones is coffee grounds and spices , smells good. Looks great in the kitchen too.You can also see how goods the glitter looks making other crafts like hearts. I hope I "FEED SOMEONES SOUL"with this .Enjoy.. Enjoy..I'd love to see your pictures of your crafts .Feel free to email if you have problems.
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