I do this to all my Candles . I love the sparkle in the light.All you do is tape the candle hole, with "Painters Tape" or "Masking Tape", just so none of the glitter falls in the hole.Then you "MODE PODGE"the candle all over it where ever you want the glitter. I love "Martha Stewart" extra fine for embossing and her scraping books.
Her glitter comes in so many colors. Excelent Fall colors.ACMoore usually puts them on sale after the Holidays and you can use "JOANNS" coupons. That makes it a little lighter on the pocket book.PLUS... PLUS ...A little goes a long long way. I put a sheet of wax paper down under my candles , so when Iam done I can pour the dropping back in the tube or jar.NO WASTE.I also use "DIAMOND SPARKLE " For Christmas time . It looks like snow . Its just beautifull with the candle light. Check out the pictures. You might have to do 2 coats, depending on how much comes off. You can also add a little to the silicone bulb for a added sparkle.No glue thou , Just rub a little on with your finger. Add a homespun tie and your fininished .
The brown candle in the top picture with the red and pink ones is coffee grounds and spices , smells good. Looks great in the kitchen too.You can also see how goods the glitter looks making other crafts like hearts. I hope I "FEED SOMEONES SOUL"with this .Enjoy.. Enjoy..I'd love to see your pictures of your crafts .Feel free to email if you have problems.
Thanks for sharing Jamie...love the looks of them all!!
I love these Jamie