If I was Only Twenty again !I would definitely be in trouble and probley be In jail all the time , Cause I would be standing up and fighting for this Cause or another. Some just tears at my heart apart. "Child Abuse" Spouse Abuse" Abuse on Animals"And every Medical Disease there is , I 'd be out there fighting for a Cure."Our Military" is another one. No one seems to see what happens to the Family's after the Family member is deployed or hurt.The children hurt too.They are small and often over looked, Their pains not silent .Their is such a need for helping those Family's . The United States helps so many other countries and we cant even help our own here. Is it ignorance or are we just closing our eyes to the need . Its there just open your eyes . Just stop at a traffic light any day at any time. And theres a homeless man asking for money , look around and watch people close their windows and lock their doors,and look the other way. We have such a tendency to get caught up in our own lives that we don't have time to share someone elses hurt. I call homeless and addicts " Lost Souls", I call them that cause somewhere , sometime in their lifes, Their souls were lost and hurt and for whatever reason they just lost their grip on life so ,Their lifes became lost,They seem to be the ones people are ashamed of , For us or them? Should be our shame for looking the other way. Iam always saying " FEED SOMEONES SOUL ". Take a minute and "FEED SOMEONES SOUL"whether its a smile or a lending hand or just a kind word ,
No one knows another persons hurt. After all why is he homeless ? lost his job , became hurt and couldn't pay his bills ,or lost a wife or maybe a child .We don't really know , Do we, so we only speculate, And who gives us the right to do that? So we dig in our pockets and give him what spare change we have ,He comes to the window and reaches in to receive the change and I notice his hands shaking and callused .And you wonder is he gonna get a bottle or a meal . Did we give him the spare change for our shame or to really try and help him.How hard is it to look him in the eye and smile and show some respect . After all we don't know why and we are not to judge.Does he judge us with all our imperfections .He still someones son, brother,and maybe even father. I think saddest thing here is the ones who looked away.and closed their " Hearts".I think if everyone reached out ,even once a week ,once a month and do it with your "Heart "not guilt. Maybe just Maybe things would start to change. Or is "Feeding Someones Soul" . To much to ask .So now instead of closing my eyes and saying a prayer for him , I also say a prayer for the ones who looked away.
I look at things different than other people and theres always someone there telling me so. Someone once told me that I wear my heart on my shoulders. Never heard that before. And the strange thing is I didnt know if it was a good thing or a bad thing . I didnt know how to take it , so I just stood there looking stupid.I know my mouth has gotten me in trouble before "LORD PLEASE PUT ONE HAND ON MY SHOULDER AND THE OTHER OVER MY MOUTH" That really applys to me . I hate absolutely hate to see a child in public with "No Shoes" and "No Coat" in the cold . Maybe I shoud start a charity called "NO Shoes No Coat"
Iam not a educated person ,actually stupid. I dont spell right and comas and periods and writting ,just isnt my thing. so I struggle along. I do know right from wrong and I know whats in my heart. I was asked yesterday why I didnt write on my blog , just shoud pictures. Well Iam trying to get things in order Just dont know how. , Iam not to good with the computer. So Iam slow going here.
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