Have you ever had someone come in your home and tell you that they fell so relaxed there? Makes me wonder why other homes
dont give that feeling.Is it the color of the walls, The family pictures,The
tempiture of the air in the house,The smell, Or the "What
Nots", The way you have it decorated.The personality of the people who live there, Maybe it's the
mementos of the family ties, What ever the reason.He gave me the kindest words anyone could give to someone, In that short time he was here.
When I married my husband , He asked me for one thing "Please
dont drown our house in flowers".He
didnt want to sit on a flowered couch or have flower wallpaper,He
didnt want to feel like he was in a hospital. I agreed. Knowing that both of us have a strong love of nature I decorated it in nature.Painted the walls in Fall colors, And we all know
Iam Prim. So I collected things that gave good memories to most of us . And collected things that
represents who we are and what we believe in .I did everything I could to make it smell like apples and cinnamon.I do have signs up with sayings like "Home is where your story begins" and "The best thing in life to hold onto is each other" "Family is the most important thing " "All roads lead home". I
dont want anyone to come to my house and feel uncomfortable. I tell everyone 'Please
dont be a stranger in my home" If your hungry go to the
refrigerator, If your tired go take a nap.
Ive been in homes where I
didnt feel comfortable,
Didnt even want to sit, Cold feeling . Like a morgue,No family pictures ,
Nothing. Gave me the feeling something was serious wrong .Maybe it goes back to the saying " Less is more" Clean Slates, Modern,NO history , No family.I
dont know, But I do know we are all different ,If we were all the same it would be very boring.We all make our homes to suit each of us and our needs. Maybe
Iam just a "MAGPIE".
Iam always looking for one more thing to make our life more comfortable.I think my home tells my "story" and who I am.